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첨단 구조소재 연구실

첨단 구조소재 연구실 (Advanced Structural Materials Lab.)

연구실 소개

고분자 소재는 무게가 가볍고 성형성이 우수하며 촉매와 공정기술의 발달로 그 물성이 계속해서 향상되어 다양한 산업 분야에 적용되고 있는 소재입니다. 첨단 구조소재 연구실에서는 고분자 및 복합소재가 다양한 환경하에서 장기간 사용되었을 때의 내구성을 가속화하여 평가하고, 역학 모델을 기반으로 실제 사용 조건에서의 수명 및 파손 거동을 예측하는 연구를 수행하고 있습니다. 또한, 고분자 소재의 미세 구조와 이에 따른 장.단기 기계물성 간의 연관성을 파악하여 고내구성 고분자 소재를 연구, 개발하고 있습니다.

주요 연구분야
  • 고분자 및 복합소재의 복합 환경 하에서의 내구성 평가
  • 고분자 소재의 장기파손거동 분석 및 예측모델 개발
  • 고내열성, 내화학성 고분자 및 복합소재 개발
  • 고분자 소재의 미세구조 - 기계물성 관계 연구
  • 금속 / 고분자 / 유리 소재의 표면 스크래치 저항성 평가 및 분석
교수님 소개
위정욱 교수님
  • 프로필
  • 학력 및 경력
    • 2008-2014  고려대학교 기계공학과 공학사
    • 2014-2020  고려대학교 기계공학과 공학박사
    • 2020-2021  LG화학 책임연구원
    • 2021-현재  국립금오공과대학교 기계시스템공학과 조교수
주요 연구 논문
  • Jung-Wook Wee*, Alexander Chudnovsky, Byoung-Ho Choi, “Crack layer model for semi-elliptical surface cracks in HDPE pipes and application in buried pipes with complicated loading conditions”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Volume 208, (2021), 106680.
  • Jung-Wook Wee*, Min-Seok Choi, Alexander Chudnovsky, Byoung-Ho Choi, “Stochastic Study on Discontinuous Slow Crack Growth Kinetics from an Arbitrarily Located Defect of Polyethylene Based on the Crack Layer Theory”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Volume 197, (2021), 106326.
  • Jung-Wook Wee*, Sang-Youn Park, Byoung-Ho Choi, “Modeling and application of discontinuous slow crack growth behaviors of high-density polyethylene pipe with various geometries and loading conditions”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Volume 236, (2020), 107205.
  • Jung-Wook Wee*, Byoung-Ho Choi, “Stochastic study on effects of material and physical parameters on slow crack growth behaviors of HDPE using the crack layer theory”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Volume 195, (2020), Pages 13-27.
  • Jung-Wook Wee*, Ilhyun Kim, Min-Seok Choi, Sang-Kyu Park, Byoung-Ho Choi, “Characterization and modeling of slow crack growth behaviors of defective high-density polyethylene pipes using stiff-constant K specimen”, Polymer Testing, Volume 86, (2020), 106499.
  • Jung-Wook Wee*, Alexander Chudnovsky, Byoung-Ho Choi, “Discontinuous slow crack growth modeling of semi-elliptical surface crack in high density polyethylene using crack layer theory”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Volumes 185–186, (2020), Pages 65-77.
  • Jung-Wook Wee*, Min-Seok Choi, Hong-Chul Hyun, Ji-Hoon Hwang, Byoung-Ho Choi, “Effect of weatheringinduced degradation on the fracture and fatigue characteristics of injection-molded polypropylene/talc composites”, International Journal of Fatigue, Volume 117, (2018), Pages 111-120.
  • Myung Hyun Kim, Sung Han Kim, Byung Sun Kim, Jung-Wook Wee*, Byoung-Ho Choi, “Characterization of injection-molded high-strength/high-stiffness thermoplastic hybrid materials containing thermotropic liquid crystal polymer (LCP), polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) with carbon fibers”, Composites Science and Technology, Volume 168, (2018), Pages 272-278.
  • Jung-Wook Wee*, Byoung-Ho Choi, “Impact of material and physical parameters of the crack layer theory on slow crack growth behavior of high density polyethylene”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Volume 175, (2017), Pages 101-114.
  • Jung-Wook Wee*, Byoung-Ho Choi, “Prediction of discontinuous fatigue crack growth in high density polyethylene based on the crack layer theory with variable crack layer parameters”, International Journal of Fatigue, Volume 92, Part 1, (2016), Pages 304-312.
  • Jung-Wook Wee*, Byoung-Ho Choi, “Modeling of axisymmetric slow crack growth of high-density polyethylene with circular notched bar specimen using crack layer theory”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Volumes 97–98, (2016), Pages 189-199.
  • Jung-Wook Wee*, Yongjian Zhao, Byoung-Ho Choi, “Observation and modeling of environmental stress cracking behaviors of high crystalline polypropylene due to scent oils”, Polymer Testing, Volume 48, (2015), Pages 206-214.
  • Jung-Wook Wee*, Sang-Yoon Park, Byoung-Ho Choi, “Observation and understanding of scratch behaviors of glass fiber reinforced polycarbonate plates with various packing pressures during the injection molding process”, Tribology International, Volume 90, (2015), Pages 491-501.